In a previous communication1 I described a simple clinical test of the clotting mechanism which consists of the injection of 10 mg. (1 cc.) of purified heparin intravenously and the determination of capillary coagulation times before and ten, twenty, thirty and forty minutes after the injection. It was found that the reaction to heparin is rather constant in the normal person but that it significantly changes to a diminished response in the first few days after major operations, in Buerger's disease and following all types of thromboses. Under the influence of sulfur compounds the hyporeactivity to heparin could be temporarily corrected.2 In this report I wish to submit some observations regarding the effect of autonomic nervous stimuli on the heparin curve. Cannon and his co-workers3 have convincingly shown that epinephrine injected in small amounts intravenously or in larger doses subcutaneously will shorten the coagulation time from one