Heat Load and Voluntary Tolerance Time

Six trained and acclimatized men took daily walks on a treadmill under various conditions of clothing, metabolic rate, room temp, and humidity. Each man walked for as long as he could tolerate the conditions, thus defining a voluntary tolerance time (Th in hr.) for these conditions. Observations on heart rate, sweat production and body temp, were made during each walk and correlated with tolerance time. Under these conditions and others taken from the literature that included very high environmental temps., the highest correlative of tolerance time was the heat load (Sa in Cal./m2). it was concluded that each man tolerated a characteristic heat load that was independent of the rate of heat storage (S in Cal./m2./hr.); or Sa = S x Th, where Sa had a standard deviation of about [plus or minus] 12 and a mean value for each man of from 36-63. In the high temp, conditions, the range was from 58-114.