Metabolic types of muscle in the sheep: I. Myosin ATPase, gloycolytic, and mitochondrial enzyme activities

The metabolic characteristics of 12 skeletal muscles of the sheep were studied. Glycolytic activities (hexokinase, glycogen synthetase I and D, phosphorylase a and b, phosphofructokinase) were measured. Myofibrillar ATPase activity was evaluated. Oxygen consumption, respiratory control and carnitine palmity1 transferase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase activities were measured in isolated mitochondria. Three metabolic types could be distinguished; essentially oxidative slow twitch muscles, typified by the supraspinatus and infraspinatus, having low ATPase activity, fast twitch red muscles, typified by the longissimus dorsi and the semimembranosus, having a higher ATPase activity and both high oxidative and high glycolytic activity, and essentially glycolytic fast twitch muscles, typified by the tensor fascia lata and the semitendinosus, having the highest ATPase activity.