Summary.: A method is described for determining the extravascular water content of the lungs in living humans. The method is based on a determination of the amount of ethylalcohol lost from the capillary bed during the first circulation through the lungs. When the alcohol concentration of the extravascular water was also known, the space of distribution of alcohol could be calculated. There is reason to believe that the extravasculax alcohol space represents the total extravascular water content of the lungs.In 15 normal subjects the method showed a mean value of 515 ± 27 ml (S. E., n =15). Three experiments performed on the same subject showed a maximum deviation from the mean value of ± 10 per cent.The present investigation indicates that the total weight of the extravascular lung tissue is about 600 grams, and consequently the amount of blood in the capillaries and minor vessels of the lungs which is not lost at removal must be 300–400 ml.