Morphine and NMDA receptor antagonism reduce c- fos expression in spinal trigeminal nucleus produced by acute injury to the TMJ region

Nist, MK-801, was given alone or in combination prior to TMJ injury. The number of neurons expressing the immediate early gene, c-fos, was quantified in the lower brainstem and upper cervical spinal cord as an index of neural activation. It was hypothesized that those neuronal groups most necessary for the sensory-discriminative aspects of acute TMJ injury should display the greatest reduction in c-fos expression after drug treatment. Barbiturate-anesthetized male rats were given morphine or MK-801 15 min prior to injection of mustard oil into the TMJ region. Morphine given centrally (i.c.v.) or peripherally (i.v.) caused a marked dose-related reduction in Fos-like immunoreactivity (Fos-LI) in laminae I–II at the middle portions of subnucleus caudalis (mid-Vc) and at the subnucleus caudalis/upper cervical spinal cord (Vc/C2) transition. Higher doses of morphine also reduced Fos-LI in the dorsal paratrigeminal region (dPa5) and at the subnucleus interpolaris/subnucleus caudalis (Vi/Vc-vl) transition. MK-801 given i.v. reduced Fos-LI only in laminae I–II at the Vc/C2 transition. Combined subthreshold doses of morphine and MK-801 reduced c-fos expression in the dPa5, mid-Vc, and the Vc/C2 transition region, below that predicted from the effects of either drug alone. These results suggest that neurons in laminae I–II of the mid-Vc and Vc/C2 transition and, to a lesser extent, in the dPa5 region play a critical role in mediating the sensory and/or reflex aspects of pain after acute injury to the TMJ region....

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