Fullerene clusters containing a redox couple (ferrocene) have been assembled as nanostructured films on conducting glass and carbon electrodes using an electrophoretic approach. These films show irreversibility in the reduction waves when the electrochemical scan is limited to cathodic cycles (potential range of 0 to −0.8 V versus SCE). However, the reversibility in the cyclic voltammograms can be restored by extending the scans to the anodic region (+0.75 to −0.8 V versus SCE). The ferrocene couple reoxidizes the stabilized C60 anion–tetrabutylammonium complex in the cluster assembly during the oxidation cycle. We present here a simple approach of incorporating a redox active species for improving the electrochemical activity of fullerene films. The electrochemical measurements that illustrate the electrocatalytic property of C60 cluster films are described.