1. The perturbing effect of glycerol on the direct spectrum of Escherichia coli DNA-dependent RNA polymerase has been studied. 2. By comparison with model compounds and with the unfolded polymerase in 3.8m-urea it was possible to determine the ratio of tyrosine and tryptophan residues present. On reduction of the urea-treated enzyme with 2-mercaptoethanol, no further change in the difference spectrum occurred. 3. The amino acid composition of the enzyme is given. 4. In the intact protein approx. 30% of the tryptophan and 54% of the tyrosine residues were exposed. In conjunction with the extinction value and molecular weight this corresponded to 7 tryptophan residues and 57 tyrosine residues on the surface and 16 tryptophan residues and 48 tyrosine residues ‘buried’. 5. The optical rotatory dispersion of the enzyme was unaffected by 20% glycerol. 6. The helix content calculated from Moffit plots over 560–300nm was 13%, and from the 233nm trough 13%.