Immune‐Complexes (IC) in Idiopathic Neutropenia

The presence of immune‐complexes (IC) and antipolymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) autoantibodies was investigated in 28 patients with chronic idiopathic neutropenia and normal or hypercellular bone marrow, 19 with a metamyelocyte arrest and 9 with more dysplastic features. The in vivo interaction between IC and PMN membrane receptors was evaluated by means of the PMN immunohistological technique. Circulating IC was evaluated with the C1q and rheumatoid factor agglutination inhibition techniques. An anti‐PM auto‐antibody activity was investigated by challenging Fab obtained from the sera of 22 patients with PMN from normal donors. IC were detected in a high percentage of patients; in no case could an anti‐PM autoantibody activity be seen. Most patients with a metamyelocyte arrest, but only 1 with more dysplastic features, were IC+. During a follow‐up period of 12–52 months, none of the patients with a metamyelocyte arrest (IC+) developed anaemia, thrombocytopenia or leukaemia, while anaemia and thrombocytopenia were almost the rule in the clinical course of dysplastic bone marrow IC patients: 2 of them developed acute myeloblastic leukaemia.