Mobilities and Longitudinal Diffusion Coefficients of Mass-Identified Potassium Ions and Positive Nitric Oxide Ions in Nitric Oxide

We have measured in a drift-tube mass spectrometer the mobilities of NO+, NO+ · NO, and K+ ions in NO at 300 °K. The measurements were made over a substantial range of EN, where E is the drift field intensity and N is the gas number density. The zero-field reduced mobilities were found to be 1.91 ± 0.06, 1.78 ± 0.05, and 2.245 ± 0.067 cm2/V sec, respectively. Measurements were also made of the longitudinal diffusion coefficients of NO+ and K+ ions in nitric oxide at 300 °K as a function of EN. Our results are in fair agreement with those predicted by the Einstein equation from the experimental zero-field mobilities.