Unusual sequences, homologous to 5S RNA, in ribosomal DNA repeats of the nematodeMeloidogyne arenaria

There are sequences homologous to 5S ribosomal RNA in the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeats of the plant-parasitic nematodeMeloidogyne arenaria. This is surprising, because in all other higher eukaryotes studied to date, the genes for 5S RNA are unlinked to and distinct from a tandem rDNA repeat containing the genes for 18S, 5.8S, and 28S ribosomal RNA. Previously, only prokaryotes and certain “lower eukaryotes” (protozoa and fungi) had been found to have both the larger rRNAs and 5S rRNA represented within a single DNA repeat. This has raised questions on the organization of these repeats in the earliest cell (progenote), and on subsequent evolutionary relationships between pro- and eukaryotes. Evidence is presented for rearrangements and deletions withinMeloidogyne rDNA. The unusual life cycles (different levels of ploidy, reproduction by meiotic and mitotic parthenogenesis) of members of this genus might allow rapid fixation of any variants with introduced 5S RNA sequences. The 5S RNA sequences inMeloidogyne rDNA may not be expressed, but their presence raises important questions as to the evolutionary origins and stability of repeat gene families.