Could Prolonged Air Travel Be Causally Associated with Subclavian Vein Thromboembolism?

Air travel associated with venous thromboembolism has recently achieved public awareness due to intense media coverage. The interest has focused on deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the lower limbs with pulmonary embolism. The World Health Organization (WHO) is planning several international multicenter trials to study the problem and, if it exists, try to find a means for prevention. This is a case presentation of acute venous thromboembolism of the upper limbs associated with long-haul flights. Five patients were admitted to Straub Hospital in Honolulu after 5 to 10 hours' flight. Patient 1 had a previous shoulder injury with DVT; patient 2 had chronic atrial fibrillation; patients 3 and 5 had clavicular fractures; and patient 4 had a subclavian vein compression. It is not possible to draw any conclusions about the association between air flights and subclavian vein thrombosis from this small retrospective case study. Our objective was to indicate the possibility of such a relationship.