Association of Adenovirus Type 8 with Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis

Infection with adenovirus Type 8 appears to be regularly associated with clinical epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC).1-5Jawetz et al.1isolated the prototype of this virus in 1955. Since that time, isolations of nine strains have been reported4to June, 1957, eight from clinical EKC and one from an unidentified conjunctivitis which may have been an infantile form of EKC. Six of the nine strains were isolated from EKC in Japan, five by us and one by Tanaka.5 In the present study answers were sought to the following questions: 1. What is the best technique for isolation of adenovirus Type 8? 2. How often can it be isolated from clinical EKC? 3. How long after onset can it be isolated from active cases of EKC? 4. Is "infantile EKC" also regularly associated with infection by adenovirus Type 8? (The infantile form of EKC was first described by Mitsui