Heterogeneity of antigen-specific CD4+T cell clones from a patient with Schistosomiasis mansoni

Two subsets of differentiated murine helper T cells, Th1 and Th2, based on secretion products in response to antigen have been described (Cher & Mosmann 1987, Coffman et al. 1988, Lopez et al. 1988, Paliard et al. 1988, Patel et al. 1988, Mosmann & Coffman 1989). To analyse immunological function of antigen-specific CD4+T cells in human schistosomiasis, we produced schistosomal egg antigen-specific T cell clones from a former patient. We identified four different types of CD4+ T cell clones by analysis of cytokine production. Two of the four types of the clones corresponded to murine Th1 or Th2 subsets; a third type was of the Th0 subset (Th1 + 2) and a fourth type produced IL-5 dissociated from IL-4. Analysis of the antigen(s) recognized by these T cell clones showed that all of the clones proliferated in response to soluble egg antigen(s) (SEA) found within a pl fraction whose pH was 5.2. T cell Western blot analysis of the stimulatory pl fraction demonstrated that the apparent Mr of the relevant antigens recognized by the clones were 38 kDa for the Th2 homologue, and 45-55 kDa for the Th1 homologue.