Multiattribute evaluation of regional cotton variety trials

The Australian Cotton Cultivar Trials (ACCT) are designed to investigate various cotton [Gossypium hirsutum (L.)] lines in several locations in New South Wales and Queensland each year. If these lines are to be assessed by the simultaneous use of yield and lint quality data, then a multivariate technique applicable to three-way data is desirable. Two such techniques, the mixture maximum likelihood method of clustering and three-mode principal component analysis, are described and used to analyze these data. Applied together, the methods enhance each other's usefulness in interpreting the information on the line response patterns across the locations. The methods provide a good integration of the responses across environments of the entries for the different attributes in the trials. For instance, using yield as the sole criterion, the excellence of the namcala and coker group for quality is overlooked. The analyses point to a decision in favor of either high yields of moderate to good quality lint or moderate yield but superior lint quality. The decisions indicated by the methods confirmed the selections made by the plant breeders. The procedures provide a less subjective, relatively easy to apply and interpret analytical method of describing the patterns of performance and associations in complex multiattribute and multilocation trials. This should lead to more efficient selection among lines in such trials.