A button press avoidance response was conditioned in four groups of subjects using a photographic slide of a rat as CS and shock as UCS. Extinction was attempted by laboratory analogues of systematic desensitization (S.D.) and implosive therapy (Flooding) in two of the groups, by response contingent punishment (Punishment) in another group and by normal extinction (Extinction) in the fourth group. Both trials to extinction criterion, and Tear or anxiety felt by the subjects were measured. More subjects extinguished in the S.D. and Punishment groups than in the Flooding and Extinction groups and when the stringent extinction criterion in the S.D., condition was allowed for these two groups also required fewer trials to extinguish. The Punishment and Flooding groups experienced more fear during extinction than the S.D. and Extinction groups. Clinical evidence suggesting the efficacy of implosive therapy, when considered in the light of the present inferiority of Flooding to S.D., is thought to be due to the action of some variables extraneous to the learning theory basis of implosion. It is concluded that the application of the learning theory principles of S.D. provide the most effective extinction of avoidance and fear responses.