The Dexamethasone Suppression Test in Anorexia Nervosa the Influence of Weight, Depression, Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone and Dexamethasone

When 20 female anorexic in-patients were investigated with weekly DSTs, 10 had an abnormal result at initial testing. There was no identifiable relationship between severity of weight loss and DST status; % ideal body weight was no different between suppressors and non-suppressors. There was no consistent relationship between normalisation of the DST response and weight gain. Depressive symptoms were common, with half the patients scoring 20 or more on the HRSD. Plasma ACTH concentrations before and after the DST were normal. There was a significant negative correlation between plasma dexamethasone concentrations and pre- and post-dexamethasone plasma Cortisol concentrations.