Comminution of Plant Material and Its Effect on the Quality of Rose-Scented Geranium (PelargoniumSpecies) Oil

Comminuted (chopped into small pieces or churned into a semi-paste in a mixer-grinder) and uncomminuted shoot and leaf oils of rose-scented geranium were compared for their yield and composition. Leaves produced higher oil yields (0.28-0.38%) than shoots (0.15-0.24%). Leaf oil was richer in geraniol, 10-epi-γ-eudesmol, citronellyl and geranyl tiglates, while the shoot oil was richer in (Z)-3-hexenol, cis-rose oxide, isomenthone, citronellol, citronellyl and geranyl formates. Chopped shoots (0.24%) and leaves (0.38%) produced greater oil yields than uncomminuted shoots (0.15%) and leaves (0.30%). Comminuted shoot oils recorded lesser amounts of isomenthone, citronellol, citronellyl/geranyl formates, some minor compounds; higher percentages of geranial, citronellyl acetate, 10-epi-γ-eudesmol and citronellyl/geranyl tiglates than uncomminuted shoot oil. Comminuted leaf oils were richer in linalool, some minor constituents, but poorer in geraniol, geranyl formate, 10-epi-γ-eudesmol and some minor compounds in comparison to uncomminuted leaf oil.