Chinook Salmon Epizootics in Lake Michigan: Possible Contributing Factors and Management Implications

Stability of the Lake Michigan fishery for chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha at high levels became questionable after stocks declined dramatically following spring epizootics in which bacterial kidney disease (BKD) was a major factor. Initially stocked in 1967, favorable survival and growth of chinook salmon through the 1970s led to increases in abundance and in popularity with anglers. Returns of chinook salmon improved annually until the late–1980s, when, with little warning, spring epizootics reduced the abundance of adult salmon by 50% or more. Reduced abundance of alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus), coupled with an increase in chinook salmon density and heavy parasite infection rates were hypothesized to have reduced chinook salmon growth and fitness and to have increased their susceptibility to BKD. Evidence of slower growth exists and low food availability may be the stressor that triggered the epizootics. Chinook salmon were a major component of the economic development and subsequent ...