Strong exciton-photon coupling in a microcavity containing layered perovskite semiconductors

The authors have realized a Pérot-Fabry microcavity containing a two-dimensional layered perovskite-type semiconductor, (C6H5C2H4NH3)2PbI4 , between a dielectric mirror and a metallic mirror. A strong coupling regime between the perovskite exciton and the confined photon mode has been evidenced at room temperature from angular-resolved reflectivity experiments. An anticrossing of 140meV is observed between the excitonic and cavity modes. (C6H5C2H4NH3)2PbI4 having a self-organized multiple quantum well structure, they have determined the oscillator strength per quantum well of this structure: 4×1013cm2 , which is one order of magnitude higher than in conventional inorganic quantum wells.