Molecular indicators (biomarkers) of past life

Biomarkers in geological samples on Earth are products derived from biochemical precursors (i.e., natural products) by reductive and oxidative alteration processes (e.g., cholestanes from cholesterol). Generally, lipids, pigments, and some biomembranes are preserved best over longer geological times, and labile compounds such as amino acids, sugars, etc. are useful biomarkers for recent times. Thus, the detailed characterization of biomarker composition permits the assessment of the major contributing species of extinct and/or extant life. Nonbiomarkers and abiogenic organic compounds are also discussed. In the case of the early Earth, work has progressed to elucidate biomarker structures and carbon isotopic signals preserved in ancient sedimentary rocks. In addition, the combination of bacterial biochemistry with the organic geochemistry of contemporary and ancient hydrothermal ecosystems permits the modeling of the nature, behavior, and preservation potential of primitive microbial communities. This approach entails combined molecular and isotopic analyses to characterize lipids and biopolymers produced by cultured bacteria (representative of ancient strains) and to test a variety of culture conditions that affect their biosynthesis processes. In regards to Mars, the biomarkers from lipids and biopolymers would be expected to be preserved best if life flourished there during its early history (3.5–4 × 109 years ago). Both oxidized and reduced products would be expected. This is based on the inference that hydrothermal activity occurred during that time, with the concomitant preservation of biochemically‐derived carbonaceous matter. Known biomarkers (i.e., as elucidated for early terrestrial samples and for primitive terrestrial microbiota) as well as novel, potentially unknown compounds, should be characterized Anat Rec 268:186–195, 2002.