Wave-coupled LiNbO/sub 3/ electrooptic modulator for microwave and millimeter-wave modulation

A new technique of phase velocity matching in electrooptic modulators was demonstrated. The results show that the phase velocity mismatch due to material dispersion in traveling-wave LiNbO/sub 3/ optical waveguide modulators can be greatly reduced by breaking the modulation transmission line into short segments and connecting each segment to its own surface dipole antenna. The array of antennas is then illuminated by the modulation signal from below at the proper angle to produce a delay from antenna to antenna that matches the optical waveguide's delay. A phase modulator 25 mm in length with five antennas and five transmission line segments was operated from 4.6 to 13 GHz with a maximum phase modulation sensitivity of over 100 degrees /W/sup 1/2/.