A new, simple and accurate method for evaluating masticatory ability

A new method has been devised to measure masticatory ability. Pigment‐coated granules were prepared, and 730 mg (730–740 granules) were sealed in a rubber capsule. This capsule was used as a test material and was chewed by the subject under standardized conditions. The masticatory ability, defined as the joules of work performed, was calculated based on the concentration of pigment leaked from the crushed granules during the process of mastication. The procedure is rapid, simple and reliable, and can be used for a large number of clinical samples and studies. The measurement error, defined as the coefficient of variation, was 2.1%. The intraindividual variation of measurements of twenty volunteers ranged from 3.6 to 16.9%. A series of tests in each subject was necessary to obtain a reliable value of masticatory ability.