Effect of Membrane Fluidizers on the Number and Affinity of Chemotactic Factor Receptors on Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes

Chemotaxis by leukocytes appears to be initiated by the binding of chemoattractants to specific cell surface receptors. In other biological systems, the affinity and functional activity of membrane receptors are regulated by the local microviscosity. The present studies were undertaken to determine if the number and/or affinity of chemotactic factor receptors expressed on human polymorphonuclear leukocytes were similarly affected. Aliphatic alcohols and cis‐vaccenic acid, agents known to decrease membrane microviscosity, were studied for their effects on the binding of the radiolabeled chemoattractant f‐Met‐Leu‐[3H]Phe to human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Butanol and propanol increased the number of f‐Met‐Leu‐[3H]Phe binding sites approximately 1.5 fold. More dramatically, these same agents enhanced the affinity of the receptor by ten‐fold, without affecting the specificity of the receptor. Similarly, cis‐vaccenic acid enhanced both the number and affinity of this chemotactic factor receptor on human polymorphonuclear leukocytes contain cryptic receptors for the N‐formylated peptide chemotactic factors, but more importantly that the affinity of these receptors can exist in more than one state and can be modulated by membrane microviscosity. Alterations of membrane fluidity in leukocytes during chemotaxis may be an important mechanism for regulating their sensitivity to chemoattractants.