Attention has recently been focused on immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) protease production as a possible virulence factor of bacteria implicated in meningitis and gonorrhea. This report demonstrates that suspected principal etiological agents in destructive periodontal disease include bacteria capable of degrading IgA1, IgA2, and IgG. Representative strains of Bacteroides melaninogenicus subsp. melaninogenicus and Capnocytophaga cleaved IgA1 but not IgA2 in the hinge region to yield intact Fab and Fc fragments. All Capnocytophaga strains also cleaved IgG in the same way. The majority of strains of Bacteroides asaccharolyticus and B. melaninogenicus subsp. intermedius caused complete degradation of both IgA1 and polyclonal IgG. However, some strains left the Fc part of IgA1 intact. Several strains were also capable of completely decomposing IgA2 and S-IgA. Significant IgA-cleaving enzyme activity was detected in whole subgingival dental plaque collected from patients with destructive periodontal disease. The results indicate that colonization of the subgingival area by B. asaccharolyticus, B. melaninogenicus, and Capnocytophaga spp. can induce a local paralysis of the immune defence mechanisms, thereby facilitating the penetration and spread of potentially toxic substances, lytic enzymes, and antigens released by the entire subgingival microflora. Images