Analysis of histology specimens using lifetime multiphoton microscopy

Observations of cells or tissues with fluorescence microscopy can provide unique insights into cellular physiology and structure. Such information may reveal the pathological state of a tissue to the physician or information on cytoskeletal dynamics to the research scientist. However, problems of overlapping spectra, low signal, and light scatter impose serious limitations on what can be achieved in practice with fluorescence microscopy. These problems can be addressed in part by the development of new imaging modalities that make maximum use of the information present in the fluorescence signal. We describe the application of a new technology to the study of standard histological pathology specimens: a multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscope that incorporates a novel, photon-counting detector that measures the excited-state lifetimes of fluorescent probes. In initial investigations, we have applied this system to the observation of C. elegans embryos and primate histology specimens, with the objective of identifying potentially diagnostic signatures. Our findings demonstrate that lifetime multiphoton microscopy has considerable potential as a diagnostic tool for pathological investigations. © 2003 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.