Immune response inversion after hyperimmunisation. Possible mechanism in the pathogenesis of HLA-linked diseases.

The crosstolerance hypothesis suggests that animals sharing antigens with some microorganisms will produce low antibody levels in the early part and high levels in the latter part of an infection. Antibody responses have been measured in high responder B10.M and B10.D2 mice and low responder C3H and A.Thy-1.1, as well as F1 hybrids (B10.M X A.Thy-1.1) and (B10.M X C3H/He), after repeated immunisation with the antigen ferritin, involving altogether 483 mice. An inversion in the immune response was found to occur and similar delayed high antibody responses have been described in rheumatic fever. It is suggested a mechanism of immune inversion may operate in the pathogenesis of HLA and blood group-linked diseases.