Allergic Aspergillus Sinusitis

AllergicAspergillussinusitis seems to be diagnosed more frequently. This entity has definite similarities to allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) serologically and histopathologically. Rosenberg et al1have suggested clinical and immunologic criteria for ABPA that includes: (1) bronchoconstriction, (2) eosinophilia, (3) immediate skin reactivity toAspergillusantigen, (4) precipitin antibodies againstAspergillusantigen, (5) elevated IgE, (6) history of pulmonary infiltrates, and (7) central bronchiectasis. If all seven criteria are fulfilled, the diagnosis of ABPA is considered "definite." A "probable" diagnosis is made if six of seven criteria exist. The clinical picture of allergicAspergillus sinusitisand ABPA, however, is not strictly limited toAspergillusspecies.Bipolaris,2Curvularia,3andExserohilum4species have been cultured from individuals with sinusitis that is clinically and histopathologically indistinguishable from allergicAspergillussinusitis. Serologic evaluation is also similar in that total IgE is elevated, with demonstrable fungus-specific IgE and precipitin IgG antibod

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