The Syrian Woodpecker, Picoides syriacus, acquires its food by excavating, probing, gleaning and fly-catching (Fig. 1). The food-acquisition is carried out from ground level to the crown layer of trees and beyond (Fig. 2). In an ecological sense the Syrian Woodpecker occupies an intermediate position between the Great Spotted and the Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Picoides major and medius). That is true for food-acquisition since it excavates more than medius and less than major whilst probing more than major and less than medius. The species is also intermediate in the choise of base from which foraging is done. Great Spotted Woodpeckers are found frequently on thin twigs and Middle Spotted Woodpeckers on thick stems. Between Great Spotted and Syrian Woodpecker there exist interspecific territoriality. Both are neutral with respect to the Middle Spotted Woodpecker. In spite of strong competition for nesting holes and frequent aggression the territories of Syrian Woodpecker and Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) overlap. These findings are discussed.