Mutants, Suppressors, and Wrinkled Colonies: Mutant Alleles of the Cell Division GeneftsQPoint to Functional Domains in FtsQ and a Role for Domain 1C of FtsA in Divisome Assembly

Cell division in Escherichia coli requires the concerted action of at least 10 essential proteins. One of these proteins, FtsQ, is physically associated with multiple essential division proteins, including FtsK, FtsL, FtsB, FtsW, and FtsI. In this work we performed a genetic analysis of the ftsQ gene. Our studies identified C-terminal residues essential for FtsQ's interaction with two downstream proteins, FtsL and FtsB. Here we also describe a novel screen for cell division mutants based on a wrinkled-colony morphology, which yielded several new point mutations in ftsQ. Two of these mutations affect localization of FtsQ to midcell and together define a targeting role for FtsQ's alpha domain. Further characterization of one localization-defective mutant protein [FtsQ(V92D)] revealed an unexpected role in localization for the first 49 amino acids of FtsQ. Finally, we found a suppressor of FtsQ(V92D) that was due to a point mutation in domain 1C of FtsA, a domain previously implicated in the recruitment of divisome proteins. However, despite reports of a potential interaction between FtsA and FtsQ, suppression by FtsA(I143L) is not mediated via direct contact with FtsQ. Rather, this mutation acts as a general suppressor of division defects, which include deletions of the normally essential genes zipA and ftsK and mutations in FtsQ that affect both localization and recruitment. Together, these results reveal increasingly complex connections within the bacterial divisome.