Bovine Semen Metabolism. III. Effect of Fructose Concentration, Fructose Per Sperm, and Seminal Plasma Factor on Fructolysis

A 4x22 balanced incomplete block factorial design was used to determine the effect of added fructose (total of 4 levels), fructose per sperm, and seminal plasma factor on fructolysis. Increased fructose concentration in the medium markedly increased fructose utilization at 20, 60, and 120 minutes of incubation at 37[degree]C. Increased total fructose per sperm also resulted in greater fructose utilization. Regressions of fructose utilization on logarithm of initial fructose in the incubation fluid differed among ejaculates, possible due to bull differences. There was no apparent effect of any seminal plasma factor on fructolysis other than its fructose content. The fructolysis coefficient (Ku) was unaffected by any of the treatments in this study, which gave further support to the possible usefulness of this method for comparing the metabolic activity of semen samples.