Reaction measurements and analyses for He3 + He4 at 15.95 MeV (c.m.)

A study has been made of the proton and α-particle yields from the 28-MeV (lab) bombardment of He4 by He3. From these measurements a total reaction cross section σR of 433±10 mb was deduced. A reaction-model analysis of the α-particle continuum revealed a significant contribution from the sequential reaction He3+He4Li6(2.18)+pα+d+p in which the breakup of the excited Li6 nucleus is nearly isotropic in its rest system. A phase-shift study was performed for He3 + He4 elastic scattering at this energy using our σR value as a constraint. A pronounced odd-even dependence of the real parts of the phase shifts on the orbital angular momentum was found. The results of this work are compared with other experiments, optical-model and phase-shift analyses, and resonating-group calculations.