Sperm Fractions Responsible for Immunologic Induction of Pre- and Postfertilization Infertility in Rabbits

Testicular development, as measured by testis weight, Leydig cell weight and number of germ cells, was investigated in 5 groups of pigs at 5 weeks after birth. In normal pigs, the left and right testis were developed about equally. In naturally unilateral cryptorchid pigs, the abdominal testis was significantly less developed than the scrotal testis. Expressed as a ratio, the respective values were: testis weight, 0.69; Leydig cell weight, 0.65 and number of spermatogonia, 0.54. Such a reduced development was not found in pigs which were naturally unilateral cryptorchid at birth, but which displayed testicular descent during the second week after birth. In normal pigs which were made unilaterally cryptorchid at 1 day after birth, a comparable reduction of the ratio occurred as in naturally unilateral cryptorchids and the respective values for these were: testis weight, 0.75; Leydig cell weight, 0.70 and number of germ cells, 0.60.