Mechanism of stimulation of in vitro protein synthesis by some copolymers of styrene, vinyluracil, and vinyladenine with maleic acid and acrylic acid

Copolymers of vinyl bases with acrylic acid and styrene or 1-vinyluracil with maleic acid stimulated in vitro polyphenylalanine synthesis, using a system extracted from Escherichia coli MRE600. Poly(styrene-maleic acid) inhibited ribosomal bound RNase. Poly(1-vinyluracil,maleic acid), poly(1-vinyluracil,acrylic acid) and poly(9-vinyladenine,acrylic acid) were not inhibitors of the ribosome bound RNase. The potent (up to 5-fold) stimulation by these 3 polymers is due to the action of the polymers to interfere with ribosomal bound inhibitory protein. A protein, removed by washing ribosomes with 1 M ammonium chloride, characterized by M.J. MILLER. A. Niveleau and A.J. Wahba, was described as a potent inhibitor of in vitro poly(U)-coded protein synthesis using extracts of E. coli MRE600.

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