Prenatal diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (21‐OH deficiency type) by HLA typing

The close genetic linkage between HLA‐B and congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21‐hydroxylase deficiency permits prenatal diagnosis of an affected fetus by HLA typing of amniotic fluid cells in pregnancies at risk.Some families at risk, especially those with an affected girl with ambiguous genitalia, will only plan another pregnancy if a prenatal diagnosis is possible. After HLA typing of the index case, parents and eventually grandparents, the family were informed of the possibility of a prenatal diagnosis. Fibroblast cell lines were initiated from skin biopsies of the index cases and parents and were used as controls in the tests. HLA typing of the fetus was done on amniotic fluid cells grown in vitro using first, a microcytotoxicity test and second quantitative microabsorption test.Ten prenatal diagnoses are reported. In two cases the HLA genotype indicated an affected fetus, examination of the aborted fetuses was in agreement with the diagnosis. In one case an affected male fetus was diagnosed, the pregnancy is in progress. In seven cases an unaffected infant was predicted (four carriers and three homozygous normal infants).