Acute toxicity of citrinin in Turkeys and Ducklings

Citrinin, a naturally occurring mycotoxin, was dissolved in dimethyl‐sulphoxide ‐ 70% ethanol (3:1, v/v) and administered orally in two trials to 7‐day‐old male turkey poults and male white Pekin ducklings. The single dose LD50 value in 7‐day‐old male turkey poults was 56 mg/kg and in 7‐day‐old male white Pekin ducklings it was 57 mg/kg. The mycotoxin was nephrotoxic in both species, but the renal lesions were more severe in turkeys and were characterised by degeneration and necrosis of renal tubular epithelium. In turkeys, lesions were found in the liver and included hepatic cell necrosis and biliary hyperplasia. Lymphoid necrosis with depletion involved the thymus and cloacal bursa of turkeys and ducklings. These latter lesions were the most prominent histopathological alterations in citrinin‐treated ducklings.