With the aid of electron microscopic immunocytochemistry following the application of antisera against somatostatin and luliberin (LRF), a labeling of the intercellular clefts in different areas of the brain was observed. This labeling is especially conspicuous near the basal pole of the cuboidal ependymal cells, but is also generally present in all regions containing neurohormone-producing perikarya or their processes (for example, the preoptic area, the basal ganglia and the cortex). Furthermore, in all these regions displaying labeled intercellular clefts, glialike cells and sparsely ciliated ependymal cells are found, the secondary lysosomes of which exhibit an immunoreactivity resembling that observed in the intercellular clefts. As sources of the immunoreactive material the following possibilities are discussed: (i) perikarya producing somatostatin or LRF, situated in the wall of the third ventricle and sending fibers between the cuboidal ependymal cells, (ii) hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic projections of both peptidergic systems, and (iii) in the case of somatostatin, immunoreactive perikarya in the cortex.