Basophil hypersensitivity response in rabbits

A cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity response has been observed in rabbits immunized with bovine serum albumin and challenged intradermally with this antigen 7 days later. The cellular response appears to be similar to cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity reported in guinea pigs and humans. A basophil response was also observed in rabbits immunized with Staphylococcus aureus and challenged with viable staphylococcal cells 7 days later. A method of observing basophil infiltration in rabbits by means of connective tissue spreads obtained from the subcutaneous connective tissue is described. The rabbit should serve as an excellent model for the study of basophil responses as these animals have a significant basophil component with few if any tissue mast cells which may be confused both morphologically and functionally with the basophil.