Anhysteretic Magnetization of Ni–Fe Tape Cores

Results of an experimental investigation of the anhysteretic magnetization of ``square-loop'' Ni–Fe tape cores are presented. Anhysteretic remanence and magnetization curves are identical below saturation remanence and can be reproduced with an accuracy of about ±10%. The initial slope of the anhysteretic magnetization does not depend on core geometry for a wide range of sizes, and takes on values from 3.6 to 29 H/m for different 50% Ni–Fe and square Permalloy cores. It is shown, by comparing hysteresis loops taken from an initial anhysteretic state, with minor loops taken conventionally, that the anhysteretic state seems to correspond to a state of about equal average flux at each cross section of the tape. On the other hand, saturation in opposite directions for the inner and outer wraps of the tape seems to occur when partial flux reversal is obtained by slowly increasing an applied dc field.