Measurements of the paramagnetic susceptibility and its variation with temperature were made on a series of copper manganese alloys having compositions from 10 to 90 atomic per cent manganese. The measurements were confined to the temperature regions where the face centered cubic γ phase is known to be stable. The results show that alloys containing <25 atomic per cent manganese present a Curie–Weiss dependence of susceptibility on temperature, in agreement with earlier work. For compositions between 30 and 40 atomic per cent manganese the 1/χ vs. T graph is linear at high temperatures but becomes increasingly curved at lower temperatures, the curvature being concave to the temperature axis. Alloys containing more than 60 atomic per cent manganese show a linear variation of 1/χ with temperature but the change in χ, both with temperature and with composition, is slight. Alloys with 70 and 80 atomic per cent manganese show minima in the susceptibility at 900° and 950 °C. respectively. An alloy with 90 atomic per cent manganese showed a continuous increase of susceptibility with temperature.

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