Endovascular Grafting of a Popliteal Aneurysm Using the Saphenous Vein

Purpose: To report the successful endovascular exclusion of a popliteal aneurysm using a saphenous vein stent-graft. Methods and Results: A 1.9-cm popliteal aneurysm in a 75-year-old man was excluded by an endovascular stent-graft constructed from a segment of a greater saphenous vein to which a Palmaz stent was attached at its proximal end. The operation was performed through an open posterior approach to the distal popliteal artery. The stent-graft was introduced in retrograde fashion and passed up to the superficial femoral artery, where the proximal stent was deployed. Distally, a conventional anastomosis was performed with standard suture technique. Follow-up at 2 months shows continued exclusion of the aneurysm and patency of the bypass. Conclusions: Saphenous stent-grafting is a promising technique in the less invasive treatment of popliteal aneurysms. Further experience and longer follow-up are required before this technique can replace open surgery in clinical practice.