Current Algebra, Unsubtracted Dispersion Relations, and Radiative Decays of Strange Mesons

Analyzing the matrix elements related to the decays K+l++ν+γ and K+π0+l++ν+γ under the assumptions of (i) equal-time current commutation relations and (ii) unsubtracted dispersion relations, we obtain a Fubini-type sum rule between weak K-decay form factors, meson-meson couplings, and photon-meson couplings. Because of lack of knowledge about strange axial-vector meson (Q) couplings, we use the hypothesis of partially conserved axial-vector current (PCAC) to eliminate such couplings and thereby obtain a sum rule between pseudoscalar meson-decay constants (FK,Fπ), Kl3-decay form factors (f±), and VVP and VPγ couplings. The sum rule obtained is in excellent agreement with the experimental data.