Positron and orthopositronium decay rates in helium at high densities

Positron and orthopositronium (o-Ps) decay rates have been obtained in helium gas over the density ranges 72-200 and 80-520 amagat at gas temperatures 300 and 77°K, respectively. The 77°K o-Ps results exhibit the onset of bubblelike behavior observed by other investigators. The 300°K o-Ps decay rates are in agreement with a linear extrapolation of the high-precision low-density results obtained by Coleman et al. and are in marked disagreement with the density-dependent pickoff annihilation coefficient proposed by Ferrell. The free-positron decay rates are the first to be obtained above 200 amagat at well above saturated vapor temperatures. Above 200 amagat, the free-positron Zeff is found to exhibit an unambiguous decrease with increasing density. At 520 amagat, for example, Zeff=3.71±0.02, as opposed to the density-independent value, Zeff=3.89±0.04 observed in the low-density regime.