Intensities of Monochromatic Continuous X-Rays from Atomic Targets of Nickel

Intensities of continuous x-radiations from a thin target (199A) of metallic nickel under electron bombardment in the range 12 to 180 kv have been observed. Ross filters of Ag-Pd (485-508 x.u.) and Se-As (979-1044 x.u.) provided monochromatization, and measurements were performed with an argon-filled ion chamber and a quadrant electrometer. Sensitivities of the measuring system at various wave-lengths were determined and corrections were made for all absorptions in the path of the radiation. Small corrections for radiation from sources other than the target and for the several effects of the finite target thickness were applied. The corrected data show relative intensities I per unit wave-length interval for the selected wave-lengths and direction of observation as produced by electron bombardment of independent nickel atoms. The observed variation of I with bombardment energy is in excellent agreement with the Sommerfeld theory and the variation of I with wave-length is in approximate agreement.