Studies on Beetles of the Family Ptinidae

The biology ofN. hololeucus, T. globulus, G. psylloides, S. squamosumandE. hillerihas been studied to estimate their potentialities as pests of stored products.They are widely distributed and feed on a very wide range of foodstuffs of both plant and animal origin.Adult life is usually longer than the development period. Oviposition extends over most of the adult life. In warehouses all stages of development are present together.At 70 per cent. R.H. the developmental period (egg laid to emergence of adult from its cocoon) comprises: 12 to 21 per cent. as the egg stage, 52 to 70 per cent. as larva, 12 to 16 per cent. as pupa and 6 to 19 per centg. as adult in cocoon.The mean lengths of the various developmental stages, including the larval instars, have been found under several sets of physical conditions.