Topographic solar radiation models for GIS

Incident solar radiation at the Earth's surface is the result of a complex interaction of energy between the atmosphere and the surface. Recently much progress has been made towards the creation of accurate, physically-based solar radiation formulations that can model this interaction over topographic and other surfaces (such as plant canopies) for a large range of spatial and temporal scales. In this paper we summarize our current work on solar radiation models and their implementation within both GIS and image processing systems. An overview of the effects of topography and plant canopies on solar radiation is presented along with a discussion of various options for obtaining the data necessary to drive specific solar radiation models. Examples are given from our own work using two models, ATM (Atmospheric and Topographic Model), a model based within an image processing framework, and SOLARFLUX, a GIS-based model. We consider issues of design, including GIS implementation and interface, computational problems, and error propagation.