Estimates of the population size of some ungulate species in the Rwenzori National Park, Uganda
- 1 December 1977
- journal article
- Published by Wiley in African Journal of Ecology
- Vol. 15 (4) , 305-316
Summary: Random sample counts were made from the air of kob, topi, warthog and waterbuck in the Rwenzori National Park, Uganda in 1971 and 1972. Estimates of the total populations varied widely and the means for each species were 12 301 (kob), 4932 (topi), 1530 (warthog) and 3563 (waterbuck). The kob and topi figures are considered as fair approximations to the true totals. The warthog total is thought to be much too low but the degree of inaccuracy could not be assessed. The waterbuck total is also considered to be too low and the application of a groundlair correction factor gives a total of 4454. The distribution of the animals over the park was unequal and the most heavily populated areas are identified for each species. There were significant differences between the species in their distribution over the various sectors of the park. A relationship between the rainfall and the number of animals counted was not established except in the case of the waterbuck which showed a positive correlation with rain falling in the month prior to the count. The densities determined from these surveys fell within the range of those found by other workers from ground counts.Résumé: En 1971 et 1972, des comptages aériens, échantillons au hasard, se sont effectués au Parc national Rwenzori (Ouganda) des cobes de Buffon, damalisques, phacochéres et cobes defassa. Les estimations ont varié mais les moyennes pour chaque espéce ont été 12 301 cobes de Buffon, 4932 damalisques, 1503 phacochéres et 3563 cobes defassa. On croit que les nombres totals des cobes de Buffon et des damalisques sont corrects approximativement. Cependant le chiffre pour les phacochkres êst certainement trop bas mais on ne peut pas evaluer I'erreur. Le chiffre 4500 peut etre une juste estimation des damalisques. La distribution des animaux dans le parc n'ont pas été uniforme et les régions les plus préferées sont indiquées pour chaque espéce. Les differences entre la préférence des espèces divers pour les habitats favoris sont significatives. Une corrélation entre la quantité de la pluie et les nombres des animaux n'ont ktabli que pour les damalisques où on peut déterminer une correlation positive avec la pluie pendant le mois qui précède le recensement. Les densités déter‐minées dans ces dknombrenients aCriens se confornient assez bien avec les resullals des comptages terrestres des autres chercheurs.Keywords
This publication has 9 references indexed in Scilit:
- The numbers and distribution of elephant Loxodonta africana in the Rwenzori National Park and Chambura Game Reserve, UgandaAfrican Journal of Ecology, 1977
- Population Ecology of the Uganda Kob (Adenota kob thomasi (Neumann)) in Relation to the Territorial System in the Rwenzori National Park, UgandaJournal of Applied Ecology, 1976
- Copper Pollution in Rwenzori National Park, UgandaJournal of Applied Ecology, 1974
- The numbers and distribution of buffalo in the Ruwenzori National Park, UgandaAfrican Journal of Ecology, 1973
- The Distribution of the Larger Herbivores in the Queen Elizabeth National Park, UgandaJournal of Applied Ecology, 1970
- Population Dynamics of the Uganda Defassa Waterbuck (Kobus defassa ugandae Neumann) in the Queen Elizabeth Park, UgandaJournal of Animal Ecology, 1970
- Sampling Methods for Aerial Censuses of Wildlife PopulationsEast African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, 1969
- Change in Population Number and Reproductive Rate of Elephants in UgandaThe Journal of Wildlife Management, 1966