Heat conductivity of amorphous PdCuSi alloys containing Fe and Mn impurities

In a search for the existence of magnetic contributions to the phonon thermal resistivity, the low-temperature heat conductivity κ(T) (0.3-10 K) of an amorphous diamagnetic Pd77.5 Cu6 Si16.5 sample has been compared with κ(T) of amorphous spin-glass-like (Pd77.5xCu6Si16.5) Mx alloys, containing 3d transition metals with x=3 at.% Mn and x=1 at.% Fe. The phonon thermal conductivities κph(T) of the magnetic alloys show roughly the same temperature dependence as the PdCuSi matrix. However, κph in these alloys is between 20% and 30% smaller as compared with PdCuSi. This can be explained within the tunneling-state model by an enhanced density of two-level systems (TLS) in the magnetic samples. Influences on κph due to either spin freezing in the range around Tf or to external magnetic fields up to 5 T could not be detected. Therefore evidence for the existence of extrinsic magnetic TLS cannot be inferred from the present experiments.