Comparison of the reinforced laryngeal mask airway and tracheal intubation for nasal surgery

Summary: Airway maintenance and protection during anaesthesia and recovery provided by the reinforced laryngeal mask airway was compared with the sequential use of a tracheal tube followed by the Guedel airway in 66 patients having anaesthesia for nasal surgery. One patient was withdrawn from the laryngeal mask group because the airway was difficult to position. All patients had an oropharyngeal pack inserted and Moffett's solution instilled into the nasal cavities. At the end of surgery the nasal cavities were packed. During operation airway maintenance was good and airway protection was equally effective in both groups. Contamination of the lower airway occurred in only five patients. During recovery from anaesthesia the laryngeal mask and Guedel airway were well tolerated by most patients, but only the mask laryngeal provided an unobstructed airway in all patients. The laryngeal mask protects the larynx from contamination during and after operation until the return of the patient's own protective reflexes.