A Global Information Approach to Computerized Adaptive Testing

Most item selection in computerized adaptive testing is based on Fisher information (or item information). At each stage, an item is selected to maximize the Fisher information at the currently estimated trait level (θ). However, this application of Fisher information could be much less efficient than assumed if the estimators are not close to the true θ, especially at early stages of an adaptive test when the test length (number of items) is too short to provide an accurate estimate for true θ. It is argued here that selection procedures based on global information should be used, at least at early stages of a test when θ estimates are not likely to be close to the true θ. For this purpose, an item selection procedure based on average global information is proposed. Re sults from pilot simulation studies comparing the usual maximum item information item selection with the pro posed global information approach are reported, indicat ing that the new method leads to improvement in terms of bias and mean squared error reduction under many circumstances. Index terms: computerized adaptive testing, Fisher information, global information, infor mation surface, item information, item response theory, Kullback-Leibler information, local information, test in formation.

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