Band crossings in even-evenSm138andNd134

The rotational alignment of h11/2 quasiparticles has been observed in the even-even Sm138 and Nd134 nuclei by means of heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reactions. The structures observed are compared to those found recently in Nd136. The ground-state bands of the Nd136 and Sm138 isotones (N=76) possess significant triaxial shapes (γ∼-25°). Rotational alignment of h11/2 protons induces a shape change towards the prolate (γ=0°) shape, while h11/2 neutron alignment induces a change towards the oblate (γ=-60°) collective shape. In the more deformed Nd134 nucleus, band crossings are observed in both the ground-state band and the γ-vibrational band. The crossing in the ground-state band is attributed to h11/2 protons, while a second band that feeds into both the ground-state band and the γ-vibrational band is built on the [h11/2 ]2 neutron-aligned configuration. In addition, negative-parity sidebands built on two-quasiproton configurations were seen in these nuclei. The systematics of the proton and neutron alignments are discussed.